Rita Boemm was born in 1868. The daughter of the famous artist – Teodor Boemm (1822 - 1889), of whom she learned the basics of art. At first she studied at her father in Levoča (Slovakia), and later she improved her skills in the studios of Dresden and Paris.
Upon completing her studies, namely at the end of the nineteenth century, Rita Boemm settled in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, but she constantly travelled to her native Spiš region, where she worked a lot and fruitfully. She liked to draw still lifes and landscapes most of all – the artist depicted the special beauty of the urban and folk interior of Spiš.
Rita Boemm was a member of various artistic associations and regularly sent her works to exhibitions. A special success at Dresden exhibition in 1892 had the following artist’s works: “Rural Street”, “Rural Farm”, “Church Courtyard” painted with gouache. Art admirers noted a masterful performance of paintings, their emotionality and feelings.
Rita Boemm worked with pastel and watercolour as well. Art critics especially note the canvas of the artist “A Rural Street In Winter”. They emphasize that the work is different in colour, subtle sense of shades and tones, it has some elegant inner light. Many believe that this is the artist’s best work. Rita Boemm's daughter, Lolly Feher, also became an artist. She painted mostly portraits but also worked with different genres.
Rita Boemm's works are kept in museums and private collections abroad.
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Ріта Боем // Арт.нет http://www.artnet.com/artists/rita-boehm/
Ріта Боем // www.vatera.hu. - https://www.vatera.hu/antik_regiseg/index_c362.html?lo=1&q=boemm+rita&qt=1&td=1
Ріта Боем // http://www.kieselbach.hu. - http://www.kieselbach.hu/muvesz/boemm-ritta_332
Статті в газетах і журналах
A Checklist of Painters 1200-1994. Second Edition // Mansell Publishing Limited. - 1995. - C. 52