A painter, graphic artist.
Member of the Union of Artists of Russia (1965), Union of Hungarian Artists (1989), Society of Hungarian Sculptors, World Association of Artist-Medallists.
He was born on 6 April 1935 in Uzhhorod. He started painting in 1952, when he became acquainted with the representatives of the Transcarpathian school of painting, in particular, Yosyp Bokshai whose work had a great influence on the young artist. He began to study art for the first time in Lviv – at the Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (now Lviv National Academy of Arts) at the Faculty of Monumental and Decorative Painting. He did not graduate from it, but in 1964 he transferred to Leningrad High Art and Industrial School named after V. I. Mukhina (now Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design).
From 1953 to 1956, he served in the Soviet Army. Zicherman was in Turkestan (now the republics of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), a rich culture and nature of which were reflected in the artist's work.
Then he lived in Perm (Russia), Lviv, Elista (Kalmykia), Jurmala (Latvia), Izhevsk (Udmurtia). In 1972, he moved to Togliatti (Russia) on the invitation of the city administration to organize cultural and artistic life. With his help, it was established creative studios in the city. The artist also contributed to the establishment of art lyceum, art gallery. Thanks to him, it was opened the local branch of the Union of Artists. In 1987, Sandor Zicherman organized the first Russian symposium of sculptors in Togliatti.
After that, for some time he moved to Samara, where he married a local actress Zinaida Sokolova. In 1989, fate led Zicherman to Budapest. Together with her wife, he opened a Russian theatre studio under the embassy in Hungary.
Sandor Zicherman is also known as the author of sculptural monuments, tapestries, mosaics, frescoes, and medals, as well as paintings and graphics.
He began active creative life in 1957 when he took part in the first exhibition in Uzhhorod. His first personal exposition was held in 1971 in Berehovo. The artist has held more than 50 personal exhibitions. The last ones – in Budapest (Hungary, 2014), Sopron (Hungary, 2014), Kaposvar (Hungary, 2016), Togliatti (Russian Federation, 2016), Balassagyarmat (Museum of Polovtsy, Hungary, 2018). The last personal exhibition of the artist in Transcarpathia took place in 2014 in Uzhhorod.
The artist's exhibitions also took place in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, Denmark, Portugal, Russia and other countries. The works of the artist can be found in private collections, in the Hermitage, as well as in more than twenty museums of Europe.
Графіка та кераміка
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources (list)
Статті в газетах та журналах
Біксей Л. Шандор Зіхерман // Культурологічні джерела. – 2009. – №1 (5). – С. 11-12.
(Сторінка 1) | (Сторінка 2)
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Зіхерман Шандор Роберт Матяшович // Вікіпедія. – https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Зіхерман_Шандор_Роберт_Матяшович
Зіхерман Шандор Роберт Матяшович // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. Ф.Потушняка. – http://www.biblioteka.uz.ua/painters/show_avtor.php?id=149
Іванюк О. Шандор Зіхерман: Повернення мандрівного художника // Zakarpattya.net.ua. – 2010. – 4 серпня. – https://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/70918-Shandor-Zikherman-Povernennia-mandrivnoho-khudozhnyka-FOTO
Ворошилов О. Художник Шандор Зіхерман: "Чим більше б'ють, тим краще залізо" // Zakarpattya.net.ua. – 2010. – 25 квітня. – https://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/60707-KHudozhnyk-Shandor-Zikherman-Chym-bilshe-b
Ворошилов О. Своє 80-річчя Шандор Зіхерман відсвяткував у рідному Берегові // Beregovo.today. – 2015. – 4 листопада. – http://beregovo.today/NewsOpen/id_news_60814
Фіно-угорець Шандор Зіхерман - за «ШУМБРАТ»ство між народами // H.ua. – 2007. – 12 вересня. – http://h.ua/story/58499/
У Берегово повернулись Гарані, Горонгозо та Зіхерман // Goloskarpat.info. – 2016. – 23 січня. – https://goloskarpat.info/culture/56a33b1a0471e/?utm_content=03141
Кіш В. У Виноградові відкрилася виставка відомого угорського художника-монументаліста Шандора Зіхермана // Pmg.ua. – 2014. – 19 травня. – https://pmg.ua/life/20937-u-vynogradovi-vidkrylasya-vystavka-vidomogo-ugorskogo-khudozhnyka-monumentalista-shandora-zikhermana
Костьо В. Ювілейна виставка Шандора Зіхермана // Vinvogni.com.ua. – 2014. – 7 грудня. – http://www.vinvogni.com.ua/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=133:yuvileina-vystavka-shandora-zikhermana&Itemid=144
Известный венгерский художник Шандор Зихерман родился в Ужгороде // Ua-reporter.com. – 2010. – 14 січня. – https://ua-reporter.com/news/izvestnyy-vengerskiy-hudozhnik-shandor-ziherman-rodilsya-v-uzhgorode
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