A painter, ceramist
Yuliia Yehorova-Rohova was born on 7 June 1976 in Uzhhorod. Her teacher was a talented artist Vasyl Hlahola. In 1995, she graduated from the Uzhhorod College of Arts named after A. Erdeli of the Transcarpathian Art Institute, where she studied at the Department of Art Ceramics. It was not enough for a young girl, so she entered the faculty of Romano-Germanic philology of the Uzhhorod National University and successfully graduated from it in 2009. Still, creativity prevailed and Yuliia returned to art, continued her studies at the Uzhhorod Art Institute named after A. Erdeli at the Painting Department. After graduation, the artist has been actively involved in various cultural and art events both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as in plein airs, symposiums, exhibitions, festivals, exhibitions, fairs, master classes, etc. In particular, in 1994, she was a participant in Khust plein air, founded by the famous artist of the region Jozef Rushchak. Three years in a row she took part in the plein airs in Slovakia (2007, 2008, 2009), in 2011 – in Hungary, and in 2018 – in Estonia.
Along with painting, the artist has been actively engaged in ceramics, pottery, generously sharing the secrets of this art with children, she teaches them.
Since 1997, she was working at Uzhhorod Kindergarten No. 6 teaching children to draw and mould, nurturing a sense of beauty.
As a ceramist, for several years the artist was a participant in the large-scale plein airs held in Vinnytsia (2010, 2011 2013), as well as the plein air "Clay Coast" held in Odesa (2015).
She has actually started her active exhibition activity since 1995. Her works were represented in Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, she participated in an all-Ukrainian exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Artist in Kyiv (2012), in the All-Ukrainian Triennale of Abstract Art "Art Act 2013", in the All-Ukrainian Christmas Art Exhibition (2013), etc. She held a few personal exhibitions, the most notable – the exhibition at the Actor's House in Kyiv (2015), in the Uzhhorod Gallery (2016) and in Tiachiv House of Culture.
Yuliia Yehorova-Rohova works in the genre of book graphics. Her first book was illustrated in 1995. Since then, she has issued 10 publications. The first was the book of Yaroslava Yasnyska "Tutam from the Country of Maniunii", which was then presented at the Lviv Forum of Publishers, and then in Presov, it was published a book of the Slovak writer Kvieta Morohovycheva-Tswyck "Kamaradtsia from under the Green Oak and White Sky" in both Slovak and Ukrainian with the illustrations by Yuliia.
Paintings by Yuliia Yehorova-Rohova cause ambiguous emotions and feelings. They are very different, as, obviously, the artist’s mood and feelings when she created them. Her works may or may not be liked, but they do not leave us indifferent, which indicates the sincerity of the author, openness in communicating with us. They are childish fresh and direct, perhaps, sometimes, at first glance, they are even primitive, which adds a special charm to them.
Each work of the artist, of course, one should mention individually, but almost all of her works are combined by impressionism, gentle, feminine expression of self-fulfilment. The tonality range of works is wide, the colour palette is quite rich, as well as, apparently, her spiritual world.
The leading place in the artist's works is occupied by colour and the form is secondary, tangible attempt to find their harmony. In her work she completely hangs on to her feelings, emotions, creates freely and spontaneously, sometimes inadvertently she leaves us a space for fantasies.
Yuliia's paintings are easy to perceive, they give a positive mood. They are gentle and romantic, they encourage us to look at the world of God with a fresh, loving gaze, relax and enjoy its contemplation, its colours, sounds, and smells.
Yuliia is also original and unique working with ceramics. She does not follow the generally accepted rules, principles, frameworks. Her work differs from other ceramists in the manner of performance, author technique and technology.
Volodymyr Myshanych
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Мишанич В. В Ужгороді Юлія Єгорова-Рогова мистецьки ділилася своїм "Весняним настроєм" // Zakarpattya.net.ua. – 2018. – 22 лютого. – https://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/179069-V-Uzhhorodi-Iuliia-IEhorova-Rohova-mystetsky-dilylasia-svoim-Vesnianym-nastroiem-FOTO
Ужгородцям показали "музику повітря" від Юлії Єгорової-Рогової // Mukachevo.net. – 2016. – 11 червня. – http://www.mukachevo.net/ua/news/view/141277
Шокіна К. В Ужгороді презентували роботи художниць Олени Кондратюк та Юлії Єгорової-Рогової // Chas-z.com.ua. – 2018. – 14 березня. – http://chas-z.com.ua/news/61241
Фазекаш Д. Виставка «Краплинки краси» Юлії Єгорової-Рогової в Ужгороді // Karpatnews.in.ua. – 2018. – 12 травня. – https://karpatnews.in.ua/news/146821-vystavka-kraplynky-krasy-yulii-yehorovoi-rohovoi-v-uzhhorodi-foto.htm
Гаврош О. У Києві презентували творчість ужгородської художниці Юлії Єгорової-Рогової // Zaholovok.com.ua. – 2015. – 24 листопада. – https://zaholovok.com.ua/u-kijevi-prezentuvali-tvorchistuzhgorodskoji-khudozhnitsi-yuliji-jegorovoji-rogovoji