SLOBODSKY VITALII background picture



А painter and graphic artist.


 Honoured artist of Ukraine. Member of the Union of Professional Artists of Transcarpathia (2001), National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2013). From the age of 12 he studied at children's art studio of the famous pedagogue Zoltan Bakonii in Uzhhorod. He obtained his professional education at the Faculty of Fine and Graphic Arts under Odesa Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynskyi (1971). In the 1970s he became a multiple winner of the regional creative contests and exhibitions. In 1972 the author became a laureate of the Ukrainian Republican Festival of Amateur Art, and his work for the triptych “Curse” was rewarded with gold medal and diploma of Ist degree.

The artist works in oil painting technique, classical realism style. Among the genres he prefers landscape, still life, portrait. Artist is inspired by the everyday life of his countrymen and unique beauty of the native land. His masterful realistic style is distinguished by harmony, honesty and sincerity. He is also well-known as a master in the genre of sacred art – he took part in the restoration of the ancient churches and icons painting for those in Transcarpathia and Slovakia. The author's works have been exhibited in Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, India, Cuba, Canada, and they can be found in private collections of Ukraine, Slovakia, Russia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland.

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Статті у газетах і журналах

Бедзір В. Подружжя окрилених Карпатами // Трубуна. – 2012. – 7 вересня. – С. 2. 

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Слободський Віталій // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека 
ім. Ф. Потушняка. – 

Віталій Слободський: “Митець повинен відчувати” // Березний 24. – 2017. – 30 січня. – http://www.xn--24-9kcqamhi8a1a.xn--j1amh/suspilstvo/vitalij-slobodskyj-mytets-povynen-vidchuvaty/ 

Віталію Слободському присвоєно почесне звання "Заслужений художник України" // – 2016. – 20 листопада. – 

Віталій Слободський презентує в Ужгороді власні художні роботи // – 2014. – 4 листопада. – 

Слободський Віталій. Класичний реалізм // – 2017. – 27 серпня. – 

Слободський Віталій Васильович // Вікіпедія. – 




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