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Аrtist, painter.

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He lives in Uzhhorod. Love to the native nature and communication with the Honoured Artist of Ukraine I. Shutiev transformed his passion for painting into his life meaning. Since 1990, Artur Tyvodar has been a freelance artist.

Artur Tyvodar did not go to art school, he does not collect titles or regalia, and does not belong to any creative union. He works in different directions and with different materials. With the help of leather and gem stones the native of Uzhhorod Artur Tyvodar reveals the wisdom of life and his own philosophy. The leather in the artist's paintings comes to life: it gleams and dazzles with colours. Telling stories from the Bible and the Koran, deriving simple vital and high philosophical truths, he aptly gets the main goal – fascinates every spectator.

The artist successfully mastered various techniques and genres of fine art. Among his works there are classical paintings, canonical icon painting of tempera on wooden basis, but the main highlight of his creativity is thee works of natural leather and stones, precious and semiprecious. They are considered to be his creative feature.

As art critics note, Artur Tyvodar is an artist who not only seeks to reflect life through his worldview, but also to involve the viewer in this action, making him think.  He is an artist-philosopher who seeks to understand the essence of things, the world, the problems of eternity.

He is the author of more than two dozen personal exhibitions in Uzhhorod, Vinnytsa, Yalta, Odesa, and Rivne (since 1992). Participant of collective exhibitions in various cities of Ukraine and Germany. The works of the artist are in many private collections in Ukraine and abroad.

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Статті в газетах і журналах

Тоцкая Л. Вторая кожа // Трибуна. – 2004. – 31 січня. – С. 12. 
(Про художника)

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Тиводар Артур // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека 
ім. Ф. Потушняка. – http://www.biblioteka.uz.ua/painters/show_avtor.php?id=136 

Художник Артур Тиводар представив в Ужгороді свої роботи зі шкіри та дорогоцінного каміння // Zakarpattya.net.ua. ˜– 2010. – 16 грудня. – http://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/76969-KHudozhnyk-Artur-Tyvodar-predstavyv-v-Uzhhorodi-svoi-roboty-zi-shkiry-ta-dorohotsinnoho-kaminnia-FOTO 

Художник Артур Тиводар презентує картини, яких Вінниця ще не бачила! // Vn.20minut.ua. – 2009. – 15 жовтня. – https://vn.20minut.ua/Kult-podii/hudozhnik-artur-tivodar-prezentue-kartini-yakih-vinnitsya-sche-ne-bach-159904.html 

Кирильчук В. Філософію у шкірі привіз до Вінниці художник Артур Тиводар // Vinnitsa.info. – 2013. – 29 листопада. – http://www.vinnitsa.info/news/filosofiyu-u-shkiri-priviz-do-vinnitsi-hudozhnik-artur-tivodar.html 

Філософія життя та творчості Артура Тиводара // I-vin.info. – http://i-vin.info/news/filosofiya-zhyttya-ta-tvorchosti-artura-tyvodara-3248 





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