TARNAI NATALIIA background picture



Artist, curator of art projects.

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She was born in Uzhhorod. In 2006, she graduated from Uzhhorod College of the Arts, painting speciality, and in 2010-from Transcarpathian Art Institute. In 2012, she became the Ambassador of the International Project “Painting Equator”. From 2009 to 2017 – the chairman and co-founder of the Youth Public Organization “Art & Culture Foundation “PoraBulo” (the organization holds exhibitions, art events, poly-profile festivals).

In her work the artist rethinks the meeting of the individual with everyday life, giving this interaction a certain mystical ritual and a deliberate break with reality. Colouring and formal ways of expressing are rather an internal stress preventer that burn out from time to time, creating a false impression of infantile chimeras. However, these are rather images thought-out to the last detail - cold-blooded reflection of the inner phantom world.

The artist experiments with both the figurative expression of her ideas and choice of materials for their implementation. Working in the field of contemporary art, she seeks to express her ideas through painting, installation, creation of objects, collage and digital art. Among the trends in painting she prefers abstractions, but there are also realistic and combined works. Still, the stylistic execution of numerous artist’s works tends to pop art, surrealistic art and conceptual naive.

She herself says about her style as follows: “When I work, I like everything to be a little crazy, abnormal, with freak elements and dynamic lines, but always sound and filled with meaning. Every time before starting to work I prescribe a text-concept, after which I search for ways of expressing this very idea, choosing the most appropriate “language”. My work is my reflection, with all fears, primitiveness and reality. Both in art and in life I am afraid of boredom, so I try to beat it with a variety of stimuli (whether pleasant or not). The main thing is that you feel, as just the emotions do not give a sense of a solid base, I combine them with rationality.”

She is the author of five personal exhibitions in Uzhhorod, Ivano-Frankivsk and Snina (Slovakia), a participant of almost five dozen collective exhibitions in Ukraine, the USA, Slovakia, and Cyprus. He is a frequent guest of various plein airs and symposia in Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus.

Portfolio of works

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Video archive


Статті в газетах і журналах

«Різний план» Наталі Тарнай // Ужгород. – 2011. – 5 лютого. – С. 14. 

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Тарнай Наталія // KarpatArt.com. – http://karpatart.com/artist/146/tarnayi-nataliya.html 

Кіпа О. Наталка Тарнай // Varosh.com.ua. – 2014. – 5 березня. – http://www.varosh.com.ua/all/post/ludyshow/natalka-tarnaj-turbomitec#.WiAlJUpl_Dc 

Наталія Тарнай мріє створити Центр сучасного мистецтва — "обов’язково в Ужгороді!" // Karpatnews.in.ua. – 2012. – 16 січня. – http://karpatnews.in.ua/news/36339-nataliia-tarnai-mriie-stvoryty-tsentr-suchasnoho-mystetstva-oboviazkovo-v-uzhhorodi-foto.htm 

Гаврош О. У Івано-Франківську відкрилась виставка ужгородки Наталії Тарнай // Zaholovok.com.ua. – 2013. – 10 жовтня. – http://zaholovok.com.ua/u-ivano-frankivsku-vidkrilas-vistavka-uzhgorodki-nataliji-tarnai 

Шокіна К. Наталія Тарнай: “Пісочна анімація дісталася мені у спадок” // Zakarpattya.net. – 2016. – 16 листопада. – https://zakarpattya.net/Наталія-Тарнай-Пісочна-анімація-діст/

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  • Biography
  • Portfolio of works
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  • Bibliography