POPOVA NATA background picture



An artist, ceramist, graphic artist, and photographer.


Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2015). She was born in Uzhhorod. The art of photography has been accompanied the artist since her childhood thanks to her father – a professional photographer Oleksii Popov. From 1990 to 1994 she studied at Uzhhorod College of Decorative and Applied arts, from 1994 to 2000–at Lviv National Academy of Arts. Since 2000 she has been teaching at Uzhhorod College of Arts named after A. Erdeli and Transcarpathian Academy of Arts, constantly developing new directions. With every exhibition, the creativity of the artist became more expressive, got individual features, and it was the exhibition activities that best demonstrated the stages of the artist’s creative process. In the second half of the 1990s and early 2000s in the work of the artist it was prevailed ceramics and graphics. At that time, the master managed to understand how graphic style can be used in ceramics, how to combine these two options. According to an art critic Oksana Havrosh, the works of the young artist “...speak for themselves–a kind of ceramic pantomime, where every gesture and movement speaks to the audience.” Over time, there was a need for the master to use photography, and in 2012 she expanded her creative range by a series of photo exhibitions.

Nata Popova – an interesting, original, and active person among the multifaceted modern art. She's confident and continuous on her way, and each of her next exhibition becomes an event, like all previous. She is the participant of regional, republican, international exhibitions. Personal exhibitions: “Initiation”, graphic art, ceramics, music (Lviv, 1999); “Journey on the red dog” (Kyiv, 2003); “Travelling No. 2” (Lviv, 2003), “Fragments” (Uzhhorod, 2013); “In search of illusions” (Kyiv, 2016). The author’s photo exhibitions: “People and objects” (2012), “Room” (2013), “Portraits” (2014).

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Статті у газетах і журналах

Кешеля. Л. Наталія на «червоному собаці»: молоді художники ламають стереотипи щодо Закарпатської школи живопису // Ужгород. – 2004. – 14 лютого. –  С. 12. 
(Арт-проект Н. Попової)

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Бісьмак Р. Ната Попова: Найбільше моє натхнення – це люди // Varosh. – 2013. – 14 жовтня. – http://varosh.com.ua/uzhgorod/post/ludyshow/nata-popova-najbilshe-mo-nathnennya--ce-lyudi#.Wh5fI0pl_Dc 

Гаврош О. Ната Попова: «В мене ще вистачає азарту» // Arthoda.com.ua. – 2016. – 15 травня. – http://arthoda.com.ua/2016/05/15/%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0/ 

Романчук І. Ната Попова відкрила виставку у провулку просто неба // Mukachevo.net. – 2012. – 4 серпня. – http://www.mukachevo.net/ua/news/view/59892 

У Києві проходить виставка кераміки ужгородки Нати Попової // Zakarpattya.net.ua. – 2016. – 4 квітня. – http://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/154203-U-Kyievi-prokhodyt-vystavka-keramiky-uzhhorodky-Naty-Popovoi-FOTO 



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