PAVLENKO SPYRYDON background picture



Artist, painter.

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Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2012).

He was born in Odesa in the family of a builder-engineer. Together with studying at school, he attended a painting club at the regional Pioneer House. He graduated from school in 1970, served in the army. He had strong desire to study art, but had no opportunity because he had to help his family. Thus, he worked as a woodcarver in a souvenir artel. From 1983 to 1993 he worked at the monumental workshop of the Odesa Art Fund. Working with outstanding artists, he was learning painting from them. He was individually studied at the studios of Leon Kurland, Yevhen Pohoretskyi. Such famous Transcarpathian artists as Ferenc Seman (Ocsi) and Pavlo Bedzir had a strong influence on him. In 1988, the master’s works were first introduced to a wide circle of the public in a collective exhibition, and since then his whole life was associated with painting.

The master works as a monumental artist, as well as in easel painting, likes painting landscapes and still lifes. Part of his paintings depicts native Odesa, red and burgundy seaside views, rich sea spaces; other paintings - Carpathian landscapes filled with all the colours. As noted by art historians about Pavlenko's creativity, "... by delicate colour proportions he creates a poetic, harmonious, and sometimes rebellious image of infinitely diverse nature or one or another state of the expressive soul of the artist himself who seeks a subtle and intelligent companion in the person of an indifferent viewer."

The artist participated in the monumental and decorative paintings of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Odesa, the Church of St. Victor, the house of the Haharin princes, the Honorary Consulate of Cyprus in Odesa.

A participant of numerous collective (since 1988) and more than fifteen personal (since 1993) exhibitions. He organized more than a dozen plein airs in the mountains of Transcarpathia and on the Black Sea coast (since 2003).

The artist's works are in private collections and galleries in Ukraine and abroad.

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Статті в газетазх і журналах

Данилюк Г. Свято душі  // Срібна земля. – 1997. – 6 грудня. – С. 14. 
(Виставка С. Павленка)

Мишанич В. Життя заради мистецтва  // Ужгород. – 2003. – 8 березня. – С. 12. 
(Про худож. С. Павленка)

Зубач В. Закарпатський одесит хоче об'єднати світ світлою і чистою творчістю на живій природі // Фест. – 2008. – 25 вересня. – 1 жовтня. – С. 14. 
(Про худож. С. Павленка)

Мишанич В. Шлях до визнання [творчість худож. С. Павленка] // Ужгород. – 2008. – 27 вересня. – С. 12. 
(Творчість худож. С. Павленка)

Мишанич В. Його сонячна палітра  // Ужгород. – 2008. – 11 жовтня. – С. 12. 

Зубач В. Художник, який не має грошей у банках, але має їх.. творчу підтримку // Правозахист. Наш час. – 2008. – 16 грудня. – С. 6. 

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Мишанич В. Спиридон Павленко: “Художник може створити шедевр тільки тоді, коли творить безкорисливо, з любов’ю...” // – 2013. – 10 серпня. –

«Живопис»: Спиридон Павленко представить експозицію картин в Ужгороді // – 2016. – 1 листопада. – 

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  • Bibliography