ONYSKO MARSEL background picture



Graphic artist, painter, a member of the "Pop-trance" artistic formation.

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He was born in Uzhhorod in 1977. In 1999, he graduated from the Uzhhorod National University (Roman-Germanic faculty).

Marcel is a self-taught artist. Painting, graphics, print, collage, photo and art media - an incomplete list of the art techniques he works in. Since 1994, he has been the member of the artistic association "Pop-trance", which studies the interconnection between the aesthetics of the totalitarian culture of the Soviet period and the inheritance or features of the West pop culture. During this time, the "Pop-Trans" formation implemented several art projects, presented in Lviv and Kyiv.

In the early 2000s, he was one of the founders and art director of the international artistic publication "PANIC BUTTON", which was published several years in a row.

The member of the music band and actor – he appeared in a short film, which was presented at the Cannes Festival (France) in 2011.

Marcel, as an artist, is known for his ironic series of graphic works, among which "Carpathian Album" (in collaboration with Robert Suller) 2008, "Malevich's Family Tree" 2011, "Marks of non-existent superpowers" 2011, "Summer Is Over, Winter Is Coming" 2010-2011, "My paper Dolls" 2010-2013.

With a cycle of work "I’ll Come Soon. Zheka", the author conducted several personal exhibitions in Ukraine and Slovakia (2016, 2017). This series was performed in recent years, and it was especially popular with the viewers. According to the author: "Zheka – a person-designer, a collective image. Sometimes I was mad while creating these works. Do I think the same way as he does in some cases? We are trying to hide our inner Zheka deeper and that's good. But it is not always possible because we grew up with him on the same land. I would like to make the viewer smile; it is not a wicked satire. I think that radical methods can only trigger aggression, and people should change gradually." According to the art critic and journalist Inha Esterkin ‘Zheka – a figure from the Soviet past, “a tourist”, whose part in life is limited to observation. Although Zheka cannot be called an observer: he does not watch, he rather stares."


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Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Марсель Онисько // Вiдкритий архiв. – http://openarchive.com.ua/onisko/ 

Федоришин Л. Ужгородець Марсель Онисько про акторський дебют, Канни та ще жодну непродану картину // Mukachevo.net. – 2011. – 4 чевня. – http://www.mukachevo.net/ua/news/view/42088 

Художник Марсель Онисько зобразив, якими не повинні бути українці // Day.kyiv.ua. – 2017. – 9 березня. – https://day.kyiv.ua/uk/news/090317-hudozhnyk-marsel-onysko-zobrazyv-yakymy-ne-povynni-buty-ukrayinci 

Марсель Онисько: «Я досі не вірю, що брав участь у Канському кінофестивалі» // KarpatNews.in.ua. – 2011. – 27 травня. – http://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/83348-Marsel-Onysko-IA-dosi-ne-viriu-shcho-brav-uchast-u-Kanskomu-kinofestyvali 

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