MYTRYK MARIIA background picture




  • Biography
  • Portfolio of works
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  • Video archive
  • Bibliography


Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2003).

She was born in Dunkovytsia village, Irshava district, Transcarpathian region. In 1974, she graduated from the Uzhhorod School of Applied Arts. Her teachers were V. Berets, S. Petki, and V. Demydiuk. Since 1977, she worked as a designer at the Art Fund.

Her husband, Mykhailo Mytryk, a talented painter, graphic artist, member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine, had the greatest influence on her creativity. "My husband suggested me to try myself as an artist," Mariia says. When I started painting, I was about forty. Prior to that, I did not paint at all, although in my childhood I was very fond of it. And one day he brought a canvas, paints and brushes, and in the evening came back to see the result. He always told me where to move, guided me, praised and inspired me. I cannot even imagine what I would achieve without his support and assistance."

Among the works of Mariia Mytryk there are portraits, landscapes, genre compositions, however, the artist loves to create still lifes most of all. The artist paints mostly with oil. She prefers warm, gentle tones. She takes the ideas from the surrounding nature; with flowers and a variety of things she fills her studio to paint them even in winter. "Flowers are my passion. Mostly I like wildflowers,” the artist says. “I like to paint them from nature. Thus, the works are fresh and alive. Sometimes I'm inspired by photos of flowers."

For many years the author has been depicting the sacred themes. She is constantly looking for her creative nature and vision of the world, creative credo and motives. The artist's works are sincere, lyrical and soulful. Colouring and compositional construction are peculiar, in the tradition of the regional school of painting.

Participant in regional and all-Ukrainian exhibitions. Mariia Mytryk's works are in private collections of Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, Canada, Israel, and France.


Portfolio of works

Video archive


Книги, альбоми, каталоги

Митрик М. Спасибі, земле, за твої щедроти! / Вступ. ст. Л. Біксей. – Ужгород: Ужгородська міська друкарня, 2007. – Пагінація відсутня.: кол. іл.

Марія Митрик. Живопис: Альбом / Ред. Л. Мельник; вступ. ст. В. Зубач. – Ужгород: Вид-во Олександри Гаркуші, 2012. – 24 с.: кол. іл.

Статті у газетах і журналах

Мишанич В. Її образів поезія // Ужгород. – 2007. – 12 травня. – С. 12. 
(Ювілейна виставка з нагоди 55-річчя)

Кухта В. Перемагати любов’ю / В. Кухта // Зелені Карпати. – 2007. – № 1-2. – С. 100-101. 
(Біографія, цікаві факти)

 Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Митрик Марія Іванівна // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. Ф. Потушняка. – 

Митрик Марія Іванівна // – 

Ножка А. В Ужгороді відкрилася "квіткова" виставка художниці Марії Митрик // – 2017. – 22 травня. – 

Будкевич А. Ужгородська художниця Марія Митрик з дитинства кохалася у квітах... // – 2012. – 10 квітня. – 

Зубач В. Архімед справжнього живопису завітав до Ужгорода // Трибуна. – 2014. – 7 лютого. – 


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  • Biography
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  • Bibliography