A graphic artist, painter
Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2012). He was awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree during the Graphics Triennale named after Yakutovych (2012). Laureate of the prize named after Derehus.
Valerii Kozub was born on 24 June 1985 in Turia-Remeta village, Perechyn district, Transcarpathian region. In 2001-2005, he studied at Uzhhorod College of Arts named after A. Erdeli of the Transcarpathian Art Institute. In 2011, he graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (Free Graphics Faculty, studio of A. Chebykin). He graduated from all educational institutions with honours. In 2011, Valerii applied for an internship. From 2010 to 2017, he worked at the lithography studio of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. For 5 years, he was working as a teacher at the art studio of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and College of Arts in Kyiv.
Recently, he is a free artist, conducting individual master classes. He works in techniques of etching, levkas, painting and author’s techniques.
Valerii Kozub's graphics has a clearly expressed philosophical orientation based on his Christian outlook. Biblical tales often become the subjects of his paintings, and in his work, he often uses symbols understood not by every spectator. The perception of his works requires a certain cultural and educational level, a thoughtful reading. His etchings "Childhood", "Youth", "Maturity" is full of deep philosophical meaning, they amaze with filigree technique, mature skills, depth of idea. Revealing the subjects of his works, the author uses such symbol images as "vine", "well", "boat", "tower" and others. They are quite common in Christian mythology. In general, the work of the young artist is interesting and extraordinary, revealing the mighty creative potential that demonstrated itself during the years of studying in Uzhhorod and Kyiv. The style of the artist's, in my opinion, was formed under the influence of the unrivalled master – graphic artist Vasyl Skakandii.
It is noteworthy that the author uses not only a sharpener but also a brush. The artist's canvases are characterized by the freshness of the worldview, the expressiveness of self-fulfilment. He delicately feels the mood of nature and skilfully fixes it in his works. The formation of a young artist took place under the influence of such artists as Anton Kovach, Ivan Masniuk and Andrii Chebykin.
Participant in numerous all-Ukrainian collective exhibitions: "Artprychal", "Artimprove", "In Search for Truth", Easter exhibition in Verkhovna Rada "The Great Bible", the exhibition in the Ukrainian House and others – in total more than thirty. The author of about a dozen solo exhibitions in Ukraine ("The Language of Symbols", Uzhhorod; "Creative Dialogue", Chernivtsi; Gallery of the Seaport, Odesa, 'Hetman Museum', Kyiv; Exhibition Hall of National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, and others) and two in China (Hanjiou and Usi). A participant in numerous collective and personal outdoor plein airs in Ukraine (Odesa, Chernivtsi, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Dubno, Sedniv, Kyiv, Lviv, Hurzuf, Uzhhorod) and abroad (Slovakia, China).
He was awarded numerous awards. He is also a prize-winner of numerous contests. In particular, he was awarded a diploma for the best work in the nomination "Easel Graphics" at the exhibition "Graphic Transcarpathia – 2012", the 1st prize in the contest for the best student work "A Drawing of Academic Style – 2010", an incentive award in the contest for the best student work "A Drawing of Academic Style – 2011". He got the first place in the contest exhibition "Ukrainian Week of Art".
The works of the artist can be found in private collections in Slovakia, Norway, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Germany, China, Denmark, the USA, Canada and other countries.
Volodymyr Myshanych
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Козуб Валерій Василевич // Karpatart.com. – http://karpatart.com/ru/artist/180/kozyb-valeriyi-vacilevich.html
В артгалереї Морського вокзалу відкрилась виставка українського художника // Politinfo.com.ua. – 2017. – 29 липня. – https://politinfo.com.ua/tag/hudozhnyk-valerij-kozub
Сухоліт Н. Графіка світосприйняття Валерія Козуба // Oksamyt.org. – http://www.oksamyt.org/art-palitra-menu/hudojn-mistec/412-291020142
Спориніна Т. Preview виставки художників Валерія Козуба і Богдана Макаренка // Versii.cv.ua. – 2015. – 22 березня. – http://versii.cv.ua/foto/foto-foto/preview-vistavki-hudozhnikiv-valeriya-kozuba-i-bogdana-makarenka/33675.html
Виставка графіки Валерія Козогуба "Мова символів" // Getman-museum.at.ua. – http://www.getman-museum.at.ua/blog/kozub/2013-06-08-75
Спориніна Т. Творчий діалог Валерія Козуба та Богдана Макаренка // Versiits1.wordpress.com. – 2015. – 12 листопада. – https://versiits1.wordpress.com/2015/11/12/творчий-діалог-валерія-козуба-та-богд/
Валерій Козуб запрошує у галерею «Ужгород» // Uzhgorod.in. – 2013. – 12 серпня. – http://uzhgorod.in/ua/novini/2013/avgust/valerij_kozub_zaproshue_u_galereyu_uzhgorod_foto