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Кovach Mariia

kovach mariia


An artist, designer, graphic artist

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Member of the Creative Association “Artist of Verkhovyna” (2015).

She was born in Zolotarevo village of Khust district, Transcarpathian region. In 2010, she graduated from the Transcarpathian Art Institute, receiving a degree in Graphic Design. In 2009, she became a prize-winner of the exhibition–contest “Graphic Transcarpathia – 2009” for the work "Mavka".

The basis of the author's work is easel graphics, made with ink, pen on paper, and also mixed technique, in particular, a combination of pastel and gel pen. Master’s graphics are as a monochrome and colour, while the colour performs a certain emphasis and thereby adds contrast and brightness, saturates the emotions and feelings depicted in the works ("Idyll", "Coffee Table", "Morning"). Her purely feminine style in the graphics captures the elegance, slimness of lines, the originality of decor. The same applies to the subject of work: female images and literally, and symbolically occupy a central place in the artist's work. It is a woman–mother, a woman wise, strong, kind and seductive. It is a woman – like the planet Earth, holding the whole world on herself, this is the nature that surrounds us ("Earth", 2013). In individual works of the master, the ciphered human characters and everything inherent in them – strength and weakness, disappointment and hope. A series of works by the artist - still–lifes, flowers, mushrooms. In particular, in the series "About the Living" and "Depth of Hope" the artist passes the viewer to the beauty of the universe created by the Most High and tries to convey the idea of the need to preserve the environment. A felled tree can give a sprout, a seed can germinate, hope can be reborn – these messages are in these works, the artist builds a dialogue with the viewer, seeks to make him think.

Since 2009 she has taken part in regional and district exhibitions, contests, charity auctions, all–Ukrainian and international symposiums–plein airs. Personal exhibition of the artist "Graphics" was held in 2013 in Khust.

Portfolio of works

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Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

У Виноградові відбулася виставка графіки молодих художниць // Zakarpattya.net.ua. – http://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/110005-U-Vynohradovi-vidbulasia-vystavka-hrafiky-molodykh-khudozhnyts-FOTO 


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  • Biography
  • Portfolio of works
  • Photo archive
  • Video archive
  • Bibliography