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Korn Beata

Korn Beata


Artist, painter, ceramist, sculptor.

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She was born in Uzhhorod. In 2001, she graduated from the Uzhhorod College of Arts, and in 2003 – from Lviv National Academy of Arts (Department of Ceramics). She works and lives in Uzhhorod. From 2004 to 2011 she taught at Uzhhorod College of Arts named after A. Erdeli.

The artist works mainly with a combination of materials. She harmoniously combines clay and glass, ceramics and wood, plastic and fabric. "There is no unique recipe," Beata says. If I use different materials, then it is usually the contrast of impressions and ideas. For example, if I use ceramics, then it is  the authentic idea if plastic – it speaks about the relevant issues of the present. But in the thematic sense, my works are usually, as often happens with artists, a subjective immersion in yourself. You understand yourself and surrounding people. Things that excite each of them. Thus, an idea is born."

As noted by art historians, the artist chose the spatial plastic arts as the main means in her own creative system. These are, as a rule, decorative works that can be used in the modern space. From time to time the artist compares the contrasting artefacts of mass culture with traditional techniques of painting, as a result, her works are striking both by the idea and the originality of its embodiment. It is the very approach that gives a certain ambiguity. And this is what prompts the viewer to broadly comprehend the theme.

Beata Korn has many joint projects with her husband, an artist Viktor Melnychuk. Thus, the artistic couple presented a joint exhibition in the "Shcherbenko Art Centre" in 2015. One of the brightest joint art projects – "Immersion" presented in 2016 in the art-space "TseGlynaArt" with the support of the Sky Art Foundation. There were presented the art objects made of glass and ceramics created by the authors during the year. Beata Korn says about such co-operation as follows: "My husband always supports me. I can start creating something without seeing the final result, but he catches it at once, completes it ... "

Participant in numerous collective exhibitions and art projects in Ukraine and abroad.
In 2006, she participated in the Warhol Fest Symposium (Slovakia). In 2013, Beata presented her personal projects "Milky Clouds" and "Art. Design. Photography" at the "Shcherbenko Art Centre" in Kyiv.

Video archive


Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Корн Беата // KarpatArt.com. – http://karpatart.com/ru/artist/184/korn-beata.html 

Тимощук Я. Дім-майстерня: де живе та як працює творче подружжя Беати Корн та Віктора Мельничука // Varosh.com.ua. – 2016. – 3 лютого. – http://varosh.com.ua/all/post/ludyshow/dimmajsternya-de-zhive-ta-yak-pracyu-tvorche-podruzhzhya-beati-korn-ta-viktora-melnichuka#.WiVGBFVl-po 

Беата Корн и Виктор Мельничук. «Дом воспоминаний» // Shcherbenkoartcentre.com. – 2016. – 20 січня. – http://shcherbenkoartcentre.com/projects/domvospominaniy 

Беата Корн // Вiдкритий архiв. – http://openarchive.com.ua/korn/ 

Закарпатские художники в галерее «Цех» // Ua-reporter.com. – 2008. – 12 січня. – http://ua-reporter.com/uk/novosti/43980 


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