Artist, master of decorative and applied arts.
Honoured Master of Folk Art of Ukraine (2012). Member of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine (1999), the head of the Transcarpathian regional branch of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine (2007).
She was born on 11 November 1964 in Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Graduated with honours from the Dolyn children's art school (1975 - 1979). In 1983, she graduated with honours from the Uzhhorod School of Decorative and Applied Arts (her teachers were Y. Bachynskyi, V. Demediuk, M. Mykhailiuk). 1983 - 1996, she was working at the Transcarpathian Art and Production Complex of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. And during 1996-1999 - in the Transcarpathian Regional Department of Statistics as an economist. In 2001, she graduated from the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAPM, Kyiv). Since 1999, she has been working in the Transcarpathian Institute named after A. Voloshyn under the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. From 2007 to 2008, she took Doctoral Studies at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management and received a PhD degree in Human Resources Management. Since 2009 – the Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business Administration of the Transcarpathian Institute under the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Since 2009 – a part-time lecture of fine arts at the Korytniany children's art school. In 2013, she received a Grand PhD in Public Administration, since 2014 – a Professor of the Department of Economics and Business Management. She was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Culture (2010) and prize "For the preservation of folk traditions" (2011).
The master’s creative interests are various: embroidered shirts, towels, dolls, painting on glass, ceramics, decorated melons, painting, etc. It is noteworthy that the artist consciously and purposefully works within the framework of the folk tradition, using traditional subjects, technique and technology of making products characteristic of the Carpathian region. She is always creative in her work and puts her soul into each composition, which is felt and attracts the viewer's attention.
A painting of the artist deserves a separate issue. She usually works in the genre of still life, sometimes - landscape. Her works are childishly direct, colourful and sunny, they have a clearly expressed life-affirming character, full of positive emotions. The artist lovingly depicts flowers, habitual and dear things of everyday life. She thoroughly follows the shape of objects, subordinates and harmonizes it in accordance with the idea.
Liudmyla Hubal continues the traditions of the Ukrainian People’s Artist Fedir Manailo – carving on decorative melons (lagenaria). However, the master goes further: she paints melons and decorates them. The artist uses folk ornaments typical in Transcarpathia. By the way, if you look closely, then such melons remind of the dolls that occupy a special place in the master’s work.
Since 1987, she has been a regular participant in republican, all-Ukrainian, international and regional exhibitions, festivals. The author of the personal exhibitions (2002, 2004, 2006, 2014) in Ukraine and abroad. The author of the project "Traditions of Transcarpathia, traditions of Ukraine for the future generation". The artist's works are in numerous private collections in Ukraine and abroad.
Volodymyr Myshanych
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources (list)
Статті в газетах та журналах
Тищенко С. Родом із дитинства // Културологічні джерела. – 2004. – №4 (8). С. 52-53.
(Сторінка 1) | (Сторінка 2)
(Біографія, цікафі факти)
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Губаль Людмила Мар’янівна // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. Ф.Потушняка –
Губаль Людмила Мар’янівна // Енциклопедія сучасної України. –
Людмила Губаль: «Кожна лялька, як і кожна жінка, має свої норов і вдачу» // – 2012. – 17 листопада. –
Бедзір В. Людмила Губаль: «Люблю розшифровувати традиційні вишивки. Це код, який несе інформацію про народ» // – 2014. – 9 листопада. –
Бедзір В. Людмила ГУБАЛЬ: «Із двохсот швів української вишивки нині використовують здебільшого два» // – 2014. – 24 грудня. –
Matching content source of the published art works: