HORVAT HANNA background picture


(1924 – 2005)

Artist, sculptor, writer, journalist.

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Honoured Artist of Ukraine (1996). Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (1963).

She was born in Berehove, Transcarpathian region. Worked at the brick factory, as a decorator of the city cinema of the regional House of Culture, as a journalist of the Regional Hungarian newspaper “Karpaty ihaz szo”. At the same time, she was fond of sculpture, ceramics, medals. In addition to her main work, she taught drawing. Poets and writers brought their first works to her. Together with the teacher Gizella Dravai, she was the head of the literary studio founded at the editorial office of the regional newspaper. She worked a lot for the improvement of Berehove, helped people, saved cultural values ​​of the region.

The main works of the artist are made in the genre of small plastics, fashion art and landscape art.

Being an original, independent person, her character was formed under the influence of the environment. She always influenced people she was surrounded by. Each sculpture of the artist is a symbol, a sign of the time. A lot of the artist's works are spiritual, they have individual traits, moreover, one can always see familiar faces in her figures.

In the artist's work, you can see your favourite stories, one of which is about a woman, a mother. According to the rural tradition, she mostly wears a headscarf, has got smart but sad eyes - this is a woman who experienced a lot of misfortunes, but didn’t give up, she is alive and strong (“Sitting Peasant Woman” (1974), “A Worker” (1980), “Embroiderers From Berehove” (1987), “A Woman From Dobronia” (1996), “The Fate of the Mother” (1998). The characteristic feature of the artist's work is boundless love for the Motherland, native land, deep respect for people of manual labour, constant search for new forms of images of reality, bold experimentation.

There are a lot of films about Hanna Horvat. She is also known for her small prose works, published in the Hungarian newspaper "Karpaty ihaz so", Transcarpathian "Calendars". In 1965, it was published her book "Disturbed Silence", in which the author drew the readers' attention to some important points of the cultural life of Berehove.

Participant in regional, all-Ukrainian, all-union and foreign art exhibitions since 1958. Several times she was a participant in international exhibitions FIDEM. Her works were exhibited in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, Bucharest, Kosice, Nyíregyháza. At the All-Union Exhibition of Medal Art in Moscow, she was awarded a silver medal (in 1971). The artist’s works were purchased by the Directorate of Exhibitions of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Hanna died in 2005.

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Книги, альбоми, каталоги

Horvát Anna. Kortásrs magyar művészeti lexikon. – Budapest: Enciklopédia kiadó, 2005. – №11. – 145 old. 

Статті в газетах і журналах

Гость последней страници // Карпаторусский вестник. – 1995. – 16 февраля. – С. 6.
(Творчість мисткині)

Супруненко О. В найстарішій школі Берегова діє виставка робіт Ганни Горват // Новини Закарпаття. – 2014. – 2 грудня. – С. 6,8.
(Сторінка 1) (Сторінка 2)

Відомий флорист Ганна Горват святкує ювілейний день народження // Новини Закарпаття. – 2014. – 20 грудня. – С. 12.

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Горват Ганна Андріївна // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. Ф.Потушняка – 2014. - http://www.biblioteka.uz.ua/painters/show_avtor.php?id=236

Горват Ганна // Берегово – 2011. - http://beregovo.info/index-38.htm

Митці Закарпаття збиратимуть гроші на пам’ятник берегівчанці Ганні Горват // Beregszasznews - http://www.beregszasz.com.ua/index.php/kult-ra-br-kultura/58-kultura-berehovo/3615-zakarpatski-myttsi-zbyratymut-hroshi-na-pam-iatnyk-berehivchantsi-hanni-horvat

Папіш М. Музей Ганни Горват таки буде! // Закарпатський туристичний інформаційний портал – 29 грудн. – 2011. - http://www.karpataljaturizmus.info/product_info.php?language=ua&products_id=1620

«Мистецтво – це школа життя» // Karpatalja.ma – 11 листоп. – 2011. - http://www.karpatalja.ma/novini/mistectvo-ce-shkola-zhittya/

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