HANZEL VLADYSLAV background picture



А painter, graphic artist, architect. 

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Member of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine (since 1979). Head of the Transcarpathian National Union of Architects of Ukraine (since 2000). Deputy head and director of the graphics section of the Association of Professional Artists of Transcarpathia. Since childhood, he was engaged in painting in Uzhhorod Art Studio of Zoltan Bakoniia. In 1972, he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Kyiv State Art Institute, then until 2006 he worked at the State Design Institute "Zakarpatdipromisto" in Uzhhorod. The founder and head of private enterprise "DAB Project". The member of town-planning councils of Uzhhorod, Chop, as well as under the Uzhhorod District and Transcarpathian Regional State Administrations. The architect designed more than 200 objects in numerous settlements of Transcarpathia. He is the laureate and prize-winner of many creative contests.

Except the architecture, his calling and passion is fine arts. The participant of numerous plein-airs and art exhibitions in Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary. He held several personal exhibitions, including in 2014 in Uzhhorod, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of his creative activity.

He masterfully knows the technique of watercolour, pastel, and combined techniques. His inspiration is the nature. Therefore, in his pictures the Transcarpathian beauty is dominating- woods and streams, villages, wooden churches. In the artist’s works it is prevailed rich, formative, and expressive line. It creates volume, plot, design. Inclination to the clearness and constructibility, the use of corpuscular dabs in painting and contours in graphics, contrast of forms and space, expressiveness of light and shade - everything is a feature of Hanzel’s style.

Portfolio of works

Video archive


Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Ганзел Владислав Йосипович // http://karpatart.com/artist/199/ganzel-vladiclav-yiocipovich.html

Україна – нова епоха // українська конфедерація журналістів – 24 червн. – 2016. - http://whoiswiki.org/Україна_-_нова_епоха._Золотий_фонд_нації/Ганзел_Владислав_Йосипович

Галас М. Владислав Ганзел: «Коли я бачу гарний будинок – для мене це завжди свято» // 2 липн. – 2007. - http://uzhgorod.net.ua/news/24259

Архітектор Владислав Ганзел прокоментував ситуацію з парком Перемоги // 17 червн. – 2015. - http://zaholovok.com.ua/arkhitektor-vladislav-ganzel-prokomentuvav-situatsiyu-z-parkom-peremogi

Ножка А. Владислав Ганзел привідкрив свій творчий щоденник // Новини Закарпаття – 16 вересн. – 2014. - http://www.novzak.uz.ua/news/vladislav-ganzel-prividkriv

Шокіна К. На відкритті виставки Владислава Ганзела говорили й про руйнування історичних будівель та знищення кількасотрічних дерев // медіа-центр УжНУ – 6 липн. – 2017. - http://mediacenter.uzhnu.edu.ua/news/na_vidkritti_vistavki_vladislava_ganzela_govorili_ne_tilki_pro_prekrasne/2017-07-06-4949

В Ужгороді презентовано проекти пам’ятника жертвам Голодомору // [PMG] – 25 травн. – 2017. - https://pmg.ua/life/60125-v-uzhgorodi-prezentovano-proekty-pam-yatnyka-zhertvam-golodomoru

Закарпатские художники к 25-летию своего союза презентовали новую книгу-альбом // UA-reporter.com – 9 червн. – 2015. - http://ua-reporter.com/print/173735

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  • Video archive
  • Bibliography