MEDVETCKA EDITA background picture


1932 - 2019

Honored Artist of Ukraine, disciple of A. Erdeli, Y. Bokshai.

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Creativity of Edita Medvetska-Lutak - a peculiar phenomenon in the Transcarpathian painting. The artist combined her inherent elegant aestheticism with the artistic ideas of the 1960s. Virtuously playing with colour registers, creating refined tonal parts, she simultaneously finds her own version of generalization, simplicity of form, confidently goes to the geometrization of the composition, moves to the level of abstraction, turns into completed decorative planes.

Edita Lutak was born on October 22, 1932 in Mukachevo. At Uzhhorod School of Applied Arts, her teachers were Bokshai, Erdeli, Manailo. From 1952 to 1958 she studied at the Faculty of Textiles of Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts. Here the teachers were also the outstanding masters Danylo Dovboshynskyi, Vitold Manastyrskyi, Ivan Hutorov, a significant influence on the youth had Roman Selskyi. Six years, she spent in Lviv, were a decisive period for her creativity.

Having returned to Uzhhorod, the artist works a lot in the sphere of book illustration, in interesting and specific genre, creating stage costumes for professional and amateur groups, as well as in decorative and applied arts, and monumental art. Together with her husband Mykola Medvetskyi, she teaches at Uzhhorod School of Art. Since 1958, Edita Medvetska is a regular participant in regional, republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. In 1982, it was held her personal exhibitions in Lviv and Chernivtsi, in 1987 - in Kyiv, 1994 - in Hungary.

The most important thing for Mrs. Edita has always been painting. A wide genre range of her works includes thematic, historical, and genre compositions, still lifes and landscapes, decorative, and abstract compositions. Her works bear the imprint of the regional art tradition. However, they are deeply individual in the purity and sound of colour, in high aesthetic, and decorative power.

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Книги, каталоги альбоми

Медвецька Е. Персональна виставка творів. Живопис. Графіка / Відпов за вип. В. Скакандій; ред. Є. Дунайська. - Ужгород: Облполіграфвидав, 1979. – Пагінація відсутня.

Статті в книгах та збірниках

Медвецька Е. // Обласна виставка творів художників Закарпаття. Живопис: Каталог  / Відпов за вип. А. Кашшай. - Ужгород: Закарпатська обласна типографія, 1969. – 52 с.: іл.

Медвецька Е. // Виставка творів художників Закарпаття. Каталог / Відпов за вип. В. Скакандій; ред. Є. Дунайська. – Ужгород: Закарпатський Облполіграфвидав, 1988. – Пагінація відсутня.

Медвецька Едіта Федорівна // Жіночі постаті в історії Закарпаття. – К. 1. – Ужгород, 2004. – С. 197.

Статті в газетах і журналах

Ювілей пані Едіти. Без виставок та урочистостей // Закарпатська правда. – 2002. – 24-30 жовт. – С. 39. 
(До 70-річчя художниці)

Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ

Учениці корифеїв закарпатської школи живопису Едіті Медвецькій — 75 // – 2007. – 31 жовтня. – 

Медвецкая-Лутак, Эдита Фёдоровна // Вікіпедія. –,_%D0%AD%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0_%D0%A4%D1%91%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0 

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