An artist
Member of the Union of Independent Artists "KET" named after A. Kashshai.
Krystyna Danko was born on 27 June 1947 in the family of the intelligentsia in Uzhhorod. The girl's mother, Klara, – a teacher, the cousin of Fedir Manailo, her father, Emerykh Danko, – a leading dermatologist, known far beyond Transcarpathia. He received medical education in Bratislava (Slovakia) and for 44 years served to people in the field of medicine. His indisputable authority was a guiding star in choosing the future profession for his children – Krystyna and Yosyp, who also became doctors. Krystyna graduated from the medical faculty of the Uzhhorod State University. Now she is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Doctors-Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists, an excellent doctor of public health in Ukraine.
Frequent guests of the Danko family were famous Transcarpathian artists and writers, who undoubtedly left a deep impression on Krystyna's soul. The girl’s outlook was formed in the creative atmosphere reigned in the house. The craving for painting she discovered in her childhood, which led her to the art studio of the talented teacher Zoltan Bakonіі. Thus, the child's hobby became the meaning of her life. Years spent in the studio, she still recalls with gratitude. She demonstrated the outstanding ability in painting and, accordingly, the results. So, the fourth grade pupil of the school No. 4 of Uzhhorod Krystyna took first place at the children's art contest in Switzerland. Her painting was included in the "Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopaedia" as an illustration to the article about the children's fine art of Ukraine.
Her favourite genres are landscape and still life. The artist’s style is far from academic, it is close to naive. She managed to preserve the childlike sincerity and immediacy of the world view. The colour scheme is in harmony with the mood of the artist, her inner state.
The first personal exhibition of the artist was held in July 2007 in the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. The exposition included painting and graphic works created within the decades of her creative activity. Moreover, the artist's works were exhibited at the international exhibitions, in the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, she took part in the exhibition of watercolours by students of Zoltan Bakonii, dedicated to his 90th birthday. Krystyna is decorated with various awards, diplomas for personal contribution to the development of international cultural partnership in fine art and professionalism.
Now she lives in Hungary, participates in plein airs and exhibitions.
Volodymyr Myshanych
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources
Книги та каталоги
Кристина Данко-Шолтес: каталог персональної виставки; упор. Е. Левадська. – Ужгород: Ужгородська міська друкарня, 2007. - 14 с.: кол. іл.
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Бильов В. В Ужгороді відкрито першу персональну виставку художниці Кристини Данко-Шолтес // – 2007. – 25 липня. –