A painter, woodcarver, member of the National Union of Folk Masters of Ukraine
Honoured Artist of Ukraine (2009).
Vasyl Brenzovych was born on 20 May 1951 in Liuta village, Velyki Bereznyi district, Transcarpathia. The artist has been fond of painting since his early childhood. He recalls: “Ever since I can remember, I has been always painting!” Thanks to his father, a forestry specialist with the soul of the artist, the future artist learned to look at nature with a sensitive view, feel it delicately and try to depict it in his paintings.
In 1967, Vasyl received secondary education. Then, from 1969 to 1971, a regular military service. In 1972, he entered the Uzhhorod School of Decorative and Applied Art named after A. Erdeli, Art Wood Processing Department. Talented artists and pedagogues Yosyp Pal, Ivan Manailo, Yosyp Bachynskyi and Vasyl Petretskyi helped to lay the foundation for theoretical knowledge of the future artist.
In 1976, he graduated from high school with honours. After graduation, for many years he worked as an artist-designer at the Transcarpathian Industrial Complex of the Art Found of Ukraine. Acquired practical experience became useful for the artist’s works.
In the turning point of the 90s, the artist started creative work. Since then, Vasyl Brenzovych almost does not work in the studio, giving preference to the plein air art. Among the genres, he preferred chamber and panoramic Carpathian landscapes, made with a warm and sincere love of the artist, who from early years has been in love with native, heart-loving sceneries.
Plein air painting – the basis of the artist’s creative skill. He creates most paintings and sketches in a realistic manner, capturing sunshine and changing moods of the day. His life creed is a harmonious unity with nature. “Here you can learn everything, you only need to look for and be able to read the mysterious signs of nature in direct communication with it,” the artist convinced.
For 25 consecutive years, Vasyl Brenzovych is the head of the association of professional artists of Transcarpathia, which consists of more than three dozen artists of different generations and creative tastes, united by fine arts and sincere love for their native land. “Painting in nature has become the main slogan of our organization. In this way, we bring to the audience our understanding of beauty, the greatness of our region,” Vasyl Brenzovych said. The result of the creative activity of the association is the numerous annual plein airs and expositions, publishing of art albums and catalogues.
In addition, the author has many works of other genres. Portraits are a reflection of life of fellow countrymen: fellow villagers, relatives and artist’s friends. Still lifes of Vasyl Brenzovych – light and not pretentious. The translucent, restrained palette of flower compositions gives a feeling of fast passing beauty.
The artist is also a professional carver and has been working on creating temple iconostases for many years. By his efforts, old iconostases were restored and projects of new iconostases for churches were developed both in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries.
Since 1974, Vasyl Brenzovych has actively held regional, republican and international exhibitions. He is a member of the National Union of Folk Masters of Ukraine and the Union of Independent Artists “KET” named after Anton Kashshai.
His two sons Vasyl and Anatolii, who, together with their father, participate in art events, are engaged in painting as well.
Text: Liudmyla Kozlovska
© Art & Culture Foundation Brovdi Art
Matching content source: photos of the art works are taken from public sources (list)
Книги та каталоги
Бензович В.М. Живопис: альбом; передм. Л.І. Біксей. - Ужгород, Вид-во Олександри Гаркуші, 2011. - 52 с.
Публікації в Інтернет-ЗМІ
Брензович Василь Михайлович // Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. Ф. Потушняка – 2014. - http://www.biblioteka.uz.ua/painters/show_avtor.php?id=130
Брензович Василь Михайлович // Галерея сучасного авторського мистецтва – 2017. - http://gamma-gallery.com/avtori/brenzovich-basiliy-mihaylovich
Василь Михайлович // офіційний сайт художника – 2017. - http://brenzovich.com.ua/galereya/bvm/
В Ужгороді відбудеться ювілейна виставка Заслуженого художника України Василя Брензовича – 14 черв. – 2011. - http://zakarpattya.net.ua/News/84016-V-Uzhhorodi-vidbudetsia-iuvileina-vystavka-Zasluzhenoho-khudozhnyka-Ukrainy-Vasylia-Brenzovycha
Бедзір В. Василь Брензович: «Художники не бронзовіють, вони – романтики» // Uzhgorod.net – 10 серп. – 2015. - http://uzhgorod.net.ua/news/82026
Штефаньо О. Как известные закарпатские Василии празднуют Василия // Uzhgorod.in – 14 січн. – 2014. - http://uzhgorod.in/novosti/2014/yanvar/kak_izvestnye_zakarpatskie_vasilii_prazdnuyut_vasiliya_foto
Matching content source of the published art works: