The studio from the floor to the ceiling, it is hung with not paintings, but windows to some semi-fantastic, but very realistic world, it is admired from the first minutes. Immediately forget that literally behind these huge doors is the principal's office, a little further – the classrooms. Here, in the Mukachevo Children's Art School named after Mihály Munkácsy, works and creates its head – painter, graphic artist Serhii Kireiev.
The artist's works are unusual, like his studio, filled with fragrances of colours, coffee and tobacco. Here, mostly women and girls from the world of fantasies of Serhii Kireiev, an artist who allows himself to experiment with themes, plots and way of performance are watching from the walls. Typical for Transcarpathian artists landscapes are not inherent to him, although they do happen. At once, it becomes clear that Serhii Kireiev was not studying in Transcarpathia. He admits that he has typical examples of Transcarpathian painting – people bought them in the first place, but he does not want to pursue what is popular. "The one who are guided by the requirements of the consumer immediately cut off the opportunity and ability to create a work that will be a dialogue with the society, conversation, what he/she wants to talk about."
Serhii Kireiev aspires to draw what his heart belongs to. He jokes that his way to art is a "hard case", but at the same time, he notices: "It has so organically merged into my life that I understand: I cannot live without it. I need it. It is always with me. Some topics burn out, because there simply is not enough time – to stay alone with the easel is an expensive pleasure. Art has always flashed in me, but I used to do other things ... "Under the "other", Serhii Kireiev means serving in the army, training in an aviation school, almost 70 jumps with a parachute ...
To what the pictures are talking about, the artist comes up seriously. "I think the artist has to take responsibility for a topic that he breaks. If it is a war, then it must show its horrors, and not draw with bright colours about how good it is to die on the barricades of Paris. "In fact, the military theme is close to the artist – the eyes of the war look out of two walls of the studio. "What is war? I have a picture with the eyes of Asia and military helicopters that sit down. I spent a year and a half "on an excursion" in Kandahar (Afghanistan – Author), there is a Valley of grooms. From a distance, it seems – stones, but those are skulls! How many young married and unmarried boys died there? This meat grinder, in which we are involved in by the poorly constructed system. "However, according to the master, he has not formulated the topic of the war in Ukraine for himself yet. He explains: "This is so painful and complex topic, that just to draw quickly a soldier somewhere on the barricades would be disrespectful.. I want to write a detailed work, which would be organic, influenced the mind of the viewer … But for this, it must be formed an image. "
His paintings, Serhii Kireiev thinks over, puts on the canvas at first glance invisible, but important details, so you can look at them for a long time. "It's a real pleasure, when there is time to play with such trinkets and pay attention to something that subtly beat the idea. Freedom of creativity is a great happiness. "
Indeed, in the studio there is a special atmosphere, which inspires for creativity. Perhaps this is facilitated by the fact that before Serhii Kireiev became the principal of the school, his predecessor, Vasyl Tsybere, also had a studio here. "I decided not to change this tradition. Previously, the studio was at my home – in the attic. But when life is mixed with art – it's a disaster, "– the artist shares.
The studio, like the works and their father, is interesting, filled with details. Carnival masks of manual work, palettes with paint, pastels, brushes and canvases are so tempting to try at least to be a little closer to art, create your own world of illusions. By the way, the author himself does not undertake to give a clear definition of his own style. "I prefer the modern direction of fantasy more than abstraction. Perhaps it is figurative – there is such a modern word. Perhaps, realism on the verge of a foul. This is some other fantasy-realistic world. I am experimenting: why not try it this way? The image just appears in my head. "
Characters of fictional subjects often touch the important topics: man and the world, man and society. "You see, artists are not just flowers, nature, beautiful women … I have a work on the topic "The whole world is a theatre." A person is a topic for art. Humanistic ideals should dominate in creativity, and I try to get close to this, "says Serhii Kireiev. But, he admits, it also happens that the topic "burns out": "sometimes it happens, the time is passing, the colours will dry up, and everything will dry up in my head too. Then you think: "Who needs this?" If you need, it means that someone else also needs it. And if even the artist does not need his works, then certainly they should not be shown to anyone. "
Serhii Kireiev draws, because he cannot live in another way. The artist creates unique and original canvases; he does not like to redraw something that already exists. He does not make copies, because what is it for, if there are countless number of topics and plots around? When he has a minute – he wears a kimono and he is engaged in the art of modern Japanese fencing kendo, but every evening he sits down for books: for some reason there is always not enough time for them, there are so many to read, and how many ideas they will prompt ...
Text: Kseniia Shokina
Photo: Nataliia Pavlyk