A small quiet patio in the heart of the old Uzhhorod. It is here, on the second floor of the mansard house-a small, but very cosy studio of a painter, muralist Roman Pylyp.
The windows of his home overlook the roofs of old Uzhhorod buildings, and this red and grey covering inspires sometimes even more than splendid landscapes. A welcoming host opens the door and timidly at first, but then more openly tells about his work ...
An artist was born in 1977 in Uzhhorod. He graduated from Uzhhorod College of Arts named after A. Erdeli and Lviv National Academy of Arts (Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting). The artist's favourite genre is architectural landscape in which he often depicts ancient household items and flowers. Uzhhorod changes very quickly, but in his paintings the city is depicted in the manner, which our descendants won’t see it again. The ancient narrow streets, cosy buildings, yards, strewn with flowers or greenery, city squares and majestic cathedrals-the artist depicts what is dear to his heart. Roman says he adores working in the plein air, for example, last year he went to Lviv for a week that resulting in a series of works with wonderful views of the ancient city.
Along with the paintings that hang on the walls of the studio, there are a dozen ancient Transcarpathian vyshyvanky (embroidered shirts) and pysanky from Roman’s private collection. In addition to painting and teaching at the academy, the artist thoroughly researches traditional folk art of the region. In response to a question which place in his life these traditional works of art take, the host of the studio enthusiastically says: “It is important because it is our inheritance. That’s why I make pysanky of Transcarpathia of the last century. Over the past four years I’ve been exploring this type of decorative art. It was founded the annual exhibition-contest “World of Pysanka” with the goal to keep on and preserve the traditions of pysanka art. Scientists distinguish four ethnic groups of Ukrainians in Transcarpathia— Hutsuly, Lemky, Boiky, and Dolyniany. Each group is characterized not only by habitats, but also by the cultural feature that is also reflected in embroidery and pysanka art of the region. Generally, folk art - a huge treasure, the source of boundless ideas.”
Roman admits that studying folk traditions he as an artist is primarily interested in the laws of beauty and symbolism of ornamental motifs. According to the artist, he studied about a hundred kinds of embroidery and pysanka patterns.
Finally, the artist allows to see his works created in recent years, in which one can feel a change of creative period and some influence of folk decorative art. Now he rethinks his work and looks for new forms of expression.
Text: Nataliia Petervari
Photo: Robert Dovhanych