…Huge windows in the wall, a lot of space and air pastel colours on canvases and brushes, brushes, brushes …
There are a lot of brushes-of various sizes and colours-everywhere, they are with the whole scattering flowers on the shelves, chairs, and tables in jars and pots, but first of all-in the hands of the hostess. And, along the walls, on easels, and even on the ladder there are pictures. Canvases are full of femininity, warmth, tenderness. In this room in general in every element of decor, each vase on the windowsill or coloured rugs on the chair it is felt a female hand. It is a studio of the famous Uzhhorod artist, Honoured artist of Ukraine, three times laureate of the Regional Prize named after I. Bokshai and A. Erdeli, lecturer of the Transcarpathian Academy of Arts Liudmyla Korzh-Radko.
The artist was born on May 11, 1956 in the Russian town Pechenha. Then she lived in Kyiv, studied at the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts and after came to Uzhhorod. And already here, under the influence of Transcarpathian school of painting, and crystallized unique and original talent. Liudmyla Korzh-Radko works in genres of monumental art, painting, easel, and book graphics, quite often she uses the technique of collage when the work is created by the combination of the certain base materials different from a basis in colour and texture. But, Liudmyla says, she cannot identify her clearly own style, because she wants to try everything: “I work in different techniques - watercolour, drawing, oil, acrylic, batik, gesso-in fact, it is perhaps too much, but it is just interesting for me. Sometimes I draw small shapes - graphics on the verge of miniatures, and I really want to draw, let's say, some meter works …”
Indeed, Liudmyla's works are extremely various and impressionable, already from the first sight they are filled with deep respect and admiration of the woman and everything around her. “I have been told - you have such a female, and what the woman has to have? This is should be, – the artist says. – Even the woman as a form if abstractly to look at her, she is so perfect that it is possible to make any plastic beauty of her. And thanks to colour and rhythms it is possible to saturate with any emotions. Filling of this form can be infinite.”
The artist creates in light and silence. She says when writing a picture, she is as if in dialogue with herself: “I had a thought to write down a subconsciousness stream when I write. It's like a dialogue with yourself. Some questions arise, I ponder the answer, pronounce them, it is a kind of meditative state”.
Liudmyla Korzh-Radko's has a lot of admirers, her exhibitions are constantly overflowed by the grateful audience because one can enjoy her works infinitely. The artist herself even admits that for this purpose she creates them - for people when contemplating her picture rest in soul: “I like ease, transparency so to get relaxation while working…”
Text: Natalia Petervari
Photo: Oksana Yurchenko